Chiropractic and Headaches & Migraines

Chiropractic and Headaches & Migraines

What is Migraine?

Migraine is a debilitating type of headache, usually throbbing or pulsating in nature and accompanied by a variety of physical symptoms such as nausea or visual symptoms known as an aura. They usually occur on one side of the head (hemi-cranial) and can last from a few hours to a few days.

What causes migraines?

Although the exact neurology of migraine is not yet fully understood, trauma to the head and neck, such as whiplash, has been identified as contributing factors to migraines of varying severity.

Trauma to the head and neck can cause the vertebrae in the upper cervical spine to subluxate, putting pressure on the soft tissue structures and more importantly, the nervous system. Pressure on the nervous system will affect and inhibit neurological signals from the brain to the body and vice versa, resulting in varying degrees of neurological symptoms such as migraines.

How are chiropractic and migraines related to each other?

A subluxation in the neck region has several negative effects on the neurological balance, the blood supply and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSV) that flows into and/or out of the brain. By correcting malpositions in the neck, the integrity of the neck can be restored, which in turn changes the neurological communication between the brain and the body, as well as the hydrodynamic (fluid movement). When the nervous system is in balance, the brain can interpret the signals coming from the body in the best possible way to remove waste products that have been produced.

Read more about migraines and headaches & chiropractic in our blog

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