You can find TOPCHIRO at Lysaker Torg 2. Here you will meet chiropractor Didrik A. Winsnes

General info

Can we help you?

New Client

Schedule a no-obligation telephone intake now


Are you already a client with TOPCHIRO? Contact the practice directly via Whatsapp


Monday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00
Tuesday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00
Wednesday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00
Thursday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00
Friday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00
Saturday: 08:30-12:00

Address: Lysaker Torg 2, 1366 Lysaker

Telephone:: + 47 400 200 16

Our prices




  • During the initial examination, tests and scans of the spinal column and nervous system are carried out, providing us with the necessary information to formulate the course of the care plan.

Single Appointment

  • Only possible after the initial examination has been carried out


From kr7200
  • Only possible after the initial examination has been carried out


  • 1 monthly appointment

These subscriptions are only offered to clients who have completed the first and second stages of the care plans. They must also have attended the New Client Orientation evening. Payment for these subscriptions is exclusively by direct debit.


  • 2 monthly appointments


  • 4 monthly appointments

Deze abonnementen worden enkel aangeboden aan cliënten die de eerste en tweede fase van het behandelplan doorlopen hebben. Daarnaast dient men deelgenomen te hebben aan een gezondheids-oriëntatie-avond en dient men de informatie van de Stress Talk en Soft-Tissue Talk ontvangen te hebben. Betaling van deze abonnementen gaat alleen via automatische incasso.

What do other clients say:

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Frequently asked questions

Chiropractic care is often covered partially or in full by private health insurance or through your employer. We are happy to help you with how you can go about getting reimbursed for what the insurance covers for you.

A chiropractor at TOPCHIRO takes care of the spinal column and the nervous system it protects. The chiropractor performed specific corrections with the use of their hands at the point of the spine where communication between the brain and the rest of the body is impaired. 

How often you should see a chiropractor varies from person to person. After the initial consultation a care plan is put together so you can get the best short- and longterm results. In the beginning of the care plan we often see its necessary with an intensive phase after which the frequency of visits is reduced.  

It has been long known that teenagers and adults visit a chiropractor for typical complaints in neck and back. The fact that chiropractic is helpful and supportive for a healthy and balanced life is unfortunately less well known. The best time to seek a chiropractor is as a newborn - imagine the amount of stress it is for the mother to give birth. Now imagine the stress for the newborn. At TOPCHIRO we see a lot of kids that gets a perfect start to their life when they can develop with a good functioning spine and nervous system. The nervous system is the first organ that is developed during pregnancy. Shortly summarised: the earlier a child is seeing a chiropractor, the better! We welcome all newborn and children to TOPCHIRO because subluxations in the spine can already occur during birth.

Would you like to talk to us?

Send us your contact information and chiropractor Didrik will contact you as soon as possible.

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