Chiropractic and Kids & Children

Chiropractic and Kids & Children

Discover the benefits of chiropractic care for children!

A normally functioning nervous system and spine are the basis for a perfect start to life. For a child to have normal development, chiropractic care is an important piece in the big puzzle. At TOPCHIRO, we look after newborns and children to foster a strong foundation for lifelong wellbeing and to help them through common childhood issues. When the nervous system works more normally, our bodies do amazing things

Our skilled chiropractors are dedicated to providing a positive experience for your child's journey through life. 

Common challenges for newborns and children

  • Birth problems - many children experience a traumatic birth which can affect the nervous system from the start
  • Infants: reflux, excessive crying, poor sleep, difficulty concentrating, eczema, and allergies.
  • An active child tends to fall from small or greater heights which can affect the spine and nervous system
  • Sedentary in the classroom and on the sofa
  • Technological stress - how many hours our children sit in front of a screen or are exposed to radiation from wifi and other electromagnetic frequencies
  • Injuries incurred in competitive activities

How is chiropractic related to children & young people

Our spine protects the nervous system which is connected to the brain. If there are vertebral subluxations, the brain may not receive and send the correct signals in return, reducing the ability to develop optimally. When a child has a vertebral subluxation, this is not the cause of the child's symptoms, but a disruption of normal function and the opportunities to heal optimally.


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