Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Chiropractic and Pregnancy


Discover the benefits chiropractic care can provide to expectant mothers!

Being pregnant is a transformative journey for both mother and child. At TOPCHIRO, one of our focuses is to assist you through pregnancy with a focus on optimal function of the spine, pelvis and nervous system. Many mothers experience less discomfort during pregnancy, increased flexibility and more room for the baby to move, as well as promoting general well-being and preparing the body for birth.

Common challenges during pregnancy

Pregnancy brings many different challenges such as:

  • Changes in posture and weight distribution
  • Hormonal changes that affect the nervous system, ligaments and joints
  • Increased stress on the spine and pelvis
  • Discomfort related to changes in the body
  • The child is in a breech position

How are pregnancy and chiropractic related?

One of the most important structures we have in our body is the spine, pelvis and nervous system. The spine protects the delicate nervous system which is responsible for all the communication that takes place in the body. The pelvis acts as a foundation for the spine. Imagine how many changes occur in this area during a pregnancy.

Chiropractic care focuses on the integrity of the vertebrae of the spine and the position of the pelvis and the performance of specific corrections to remove pressure on the nervous system resulting from one or more malpositions in this area.

When our nervous system and surrounding structures function optimally, you can have the best conditions for a normal pregnancy and birth because the body can adapt as it should.

Many pregnant women wait until they experience pain before they see a chiropractor. We recommend a PROACTIVE approach, because we know how important a well-functioning nervous system is for you and your child.

What do our clients say about us:


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